Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#5- I hate math. But I love babies.

I'm terrified of my new job.

I'm nannying for two infants. Babies. Teeny tiny babies. Not one. Two. There are two of them, and they are very little and very incapable of using words to express what they want. So they cry and they cry and I have to figure out what's wrong. Double time.

I could so easily fuck this up.

One is a breast milk baby, the other formula, and they eat at the same time so I have to prepare two separate bottles in two separate ways. The older of the two is teething so she sobs like crazy until finally she passes out from exhaustion. The other hates drinking from a bottle as opposed to a boob so she wails until she finally gives in. It's important I remember when and how much they eat, when they poop, how long they nap, etc. Who knew taking care of infants would involve so much math?

I hate math. But I love babies. And I think that might be my saving grace.

I want these little girls to grow up happy and healthy, so even if I make some mistakes here and there, I know that I don't have it in me to mess up so badly that I harm either of them. I've never raised a child, and my employers know this, so there is definitely a learning curve that comes along with this position. And I plan to learn. I will learn how to kick ass at this job. And then I will kick major nannying ass.

Tears will be shed, by both the babies and me, but in the end I will have contributed to the development of two beautiful little girls. What could be more motivation to do well than that?

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