Wednesday, October 21, 2009

#7- My boyfriend will not make me fat; he will make me happy.

This morning I was riding the train to work, and on the seat next to me lay today's edition of the Chicago RedEye (a Chicago Tribune publication targeting 20-somethings). Anyway, the headline on the cover was something along the lines of, "Your boyfriend is making you fat."

This intrigued me.

I turned to the article which was entitled "Big Love: Your boyfriend could be giving you love handles" by Leonor Vivanco (see bottom for link). It basically states that when a woman moves in with her boyfriend, her risk for weight gain and obesity increases...

Uh, duh. And more importantly, who cares?

I know that working out and eating right isn't necessarily all about physical appearance and attracting potential mates... but it kind of is. I mean, the only reason I freak out when I feel a little fat (which I am not- see affirmation #1) is because I'm worried that I am not as attractive as I could be. I'm single, I'm waiting for love to find me (see #2) so I want to look my best. No I don't want to die of a heart attack, but being healthy on the inside is the least of my worries right now.

My point is, obviously women are likely to gain weight when they move in with a boyfriend- they can stop caring!!! They can eat and not worry that they will die alone under a mountain of cheeseburgers and fries. They've found someone, they're comfortable, and if the guy loves them enough to move in with them, then that extra weight shouldn't make a difference.

Also, the title of the article is such crap. Nobody's boyfriend makes them fat. They can encourage you to eat more if they like you thick, but unless they are shoving cookies down your throat they are not making you fat. It makes women seem so helpless. "Living with my boyfriend made me lose control of my life!" Bullshit. If women want to exercise after work, they'll exercise; if they want to go home and have sex with their boyfriend, they will have sex with their boyfriend. Eat right, don't eat right; just do what you want to do, and be thankful that you have found a man that wants to be with you. Some of us aren't as lucky, you fat morons.

I eat, and I eat in front of guys, and if I find myself in a serious relationship there is a good chance I will stop caring and gain a little weight. At my wedding reception alone I will put on five pounds. During my pregnancy I will consume everything in sight. I want to be beautiful, but I find that I'm most beautiful when I'm not thinking about being beautiful, when I'm focused on the people around me. If I have a good man, a wonderful family and a happy home then I will be gorgeous all of the time, even if I weigh a million pounds.

My boyfriend will not make me fat; he will make me happy. If he doesn't, then he's the extra weight I need to get rid of.

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